
What is Human Growth Hormone (HGH)? We hear about it in the news pretty often these days. What is it, exactly? What does it do? The answers to these and other questions about HGH are provided here.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wish You were Taller? The Secrets to Growing Taller after Puberty

Let me start by saying that I have been considered short most of my childhood and my height seemed to peak at around 16 or 17 and my height ended up to be around 5 foot 7 inches tall by the time I was 20. I was really unhappy about my height and was prepared to do anything to be even an inch taller if it was possible. I started doing all the research I could, talking with similar people online suffering from the same problem and eventually I began to learn growing taller after puberty was entirely possible and that many people were already doing it and talking about their results on message boards. I grew extremely excited and began a quest of what I needed to do to increase my height. It's been around 2 years later after starting my height increase regimen I am extremely satisfied with the results I am seeing.
Today I am 24 and my current height is 5'10 (5 foot 10 inches) without shoes. To many people this may seem unbelievable that I have grown an extra 3 inches but I am living proof that it's real. This didn't happen overnight, it was on a gradual basis after alot of hard work and dedication but the rewards are well worth it. I have to say that I feel undeniably more self-confident after gaining an extra 3 inches and it has shown in all aspects of my life.
So you want to be taller too and are willing to put in the effort to make it happen?
Well, basically it boils down to doing three things:
1. Eating the right foods
2. Doing the right stretches
3. Taking the right supplements
I am going to go into basic detail with each one to set you on the right track and do more research yourself.
1. Doing the right stretches
There are alot of exercises and stretches people recommend for increasing your height, and you should definetly do your own research online and learn about them all to find out which ones are best suited for you. Generally I would say stay away from exercises involving attaching weights to your legs and stretching out your limbs, even though people have reported success with it. I am going to go over a few basic stretches with you to get you started, and hopefully you will get into it get enough motivation to do your own extended research.
Exercise 1: One of the best exercises you can do to help add to your height begins with you lying down on the floor facing the ceiling. The best idea here is to look at a single point on the ceiling and focus on it, while your body is resting comfortably, straight out on the floor. Now you want to stretch your left foot towards the right and your right foot towards the left, without moving your legs. Remember not to push too hard and to not push past the point of a light tightening sensation in your muscles. Now you want to stretch the right foot towards the right and the left towards the left. Again remember not to move your legs and to not push too hard because then you risk straining or pulling a muscle.
Exercise 2: Another of the most effective stretching exercises to increase height involves you lying down on your stomach, and then you want to put your palms down on the floor near your hips. Bend your legs at the knee and raise your legs upwards, now keeping your thighs on the floor you want to push your hands backwards and try to catch your legs. Do not stretch too much and relax after this, then repeat.

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Autor: Jack Davidson

Jack Davidson, HeightResearchInstitute.info

Added: September 24, 2008
Source: articlebiz.com


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