
What is Human Growth Hormone (HGH)? We hear about it in the news pretty often these days. What is it, exactly? What does it do? The answers to these and other questions about HGH are provided here.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Human Growth Hormone and Aging

HGH was widely credited revolves around your aging clock. And there are some scientific proof that this is possible, there is no magic pill or spray with which your body to produce and secrete more HGH and therefore revolves around the clock.

HGH is produced naturally in the body by the pituitary gland, and is responsible for our body growth in our childhood years. A gland called Hyperthelmus is known as the gate-keeper, it regulates how much HGH is secreted in our bodies. Human growth hormone acts on the liver to stimulate the production of insulin growth factor 1 or IGF 1st The amount produced and isolated whole body naturally decreases, as we all age.

With the attention of the media that HGH has received, with Roger Clemens, and a lot of athletes, in conjunction with him. The demand has been incredible in levels. And well HGH is legal to have and use within certain quantities in several countries around the world, it is reasonable to assume that a material improvement in performance, and banned in most sports organizations.

The information about the benefits to the body are not all bogus, grate part of the debts of companies that market participants, which help the body naturally produce and secrete HGH! First of all, every company claim that they have a spray you simply spray in your mouth, and the results of the anti-aging are just crap. The HGH molecule is very complex and large, therefore makes it impossible to ingest in a spray.

One method is the use of a combination or stack, of amino acids help stimulate the pituitary and thereby increase the HGH produced and secreted by the body. This method has some results measured, but ask your doctor before you begin. Some products actually contain animal growth hormone, so be very careful and make sure that you know what you want in your recording body.

There is no doubt that science is the daily discovery of new evidence will help us live longer and healthier lives, namely I said, you also need research to claw through all the demands of the waste, currently made.

The best way to stay healthy and slow the aging process is regelmaiger movement and a proper diet. Vitamin and mineral supplements are a great way to ensure that you always have the right diet for your body to perform at it's optimum level.


Ron Richardson is an online entrepreneur and by my writing I hope to inspire, encourage, help and teach people to live a balanced life, health, wealth and happiness naturally: See what Jonathon Paplebon of the World Champion Boston Red Sox Said is a Key to His Success: http://myacspage.com/AcaiBerrySupplements.htm

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ron_M_Richardson


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