With all the negative attention given steroids and human growth hormones were last time, creatine its place as the best legal bodybuilding supplement only grows stronger. Why the risk of harmful side effects of "roids" and HGH when a safe and effective alternative already exists? Not to mention the legal issues that arise from steroid use. Hands down, if you are looking for tool with which you gain more muscle mass, creatine is still the best choice.
What is creatine?
It is a natural connection in the body, helps in the formation of ATP, the main energy - source for muscle contraction. It is primarily in the body by the liver and kidneys, and is in the skeletal muscles tissue.
Why use creatine supplements?
Because of creatine naturally produces the body accustomed to during intense resistance training, supplements the individual can continue to win, the benefits associated with ATP and phosphocreatine when it comes to their own reserves should be used up.
Who creatine?
Usage has shown that the majority of persons responsible for the effective and strength training with high intensity (no positive benefits were seen and endurance exercises such as remote - Running) .
How much should be taken?
Most weight lifters take between 5-10g a day of creatine monohydrate Training (approximately 3-5g on non-workout day). There is also a shop, the last phase between five days and two weeks in which users between 15-20g of creatine per day. This is totally flood the body with creatine creatine.
Is reserves?
Although many doctors have speculated on negative side effects of long-term use, no studies have shown that this will prove. In reality, creatine as a supplement was only since the early 1990s. And if you follow the recommended dosage guidelines, you can almost guarantee a completely safe experience.
Building muscle has never been so easy. And although other options such as steroids, HGH questionable and may not be readily available to you (and you should not consider them anyway), feels good to know that creatine, the best legal supplement, is easy on your local GNC store .
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nate_Dunn
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