
What is Human Growth Hormone (HGH)? We hear about it in the news pretty often these days. What is it, exactly? What does it do? The answers to these and other questions about HGH are provided here.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

How to Increase Metabolism - Supplements and Its Role in Metabolism

Human growth hormone (HGH) is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland in the body. HGH levels decrease because of age advances on certain drugs with HGH help in reducing weight and keep weight in check. HGH if injected into the body can improve the growth and metabolic rate of the body. But HGH should only be used in the context of a medical expert professional advice and prescription.

The pancreas produces insulin, converts carbohydrates in our food into glucose in the body. The body shall keep the glucose and stores it in fat cells, which can be used, if necessary, to produce energy. HGH when introduced into the body to prevent the storage of glucose into the cells of the body must use fat reserves to energy requirements.

As HGH makes the body fat reserves in order to exploit the energy demand requirements, excess fat in the body is lost resulting weight reduction and keep weight in check. This process happens when the body is in the rest of this means that a person loses weight, even if they fall asleep. It is interesting that a person does not have to bear hunger and pain, starve to death to lose weight by this method.

An added benefit of HGH is that the energy level increased and so the metabolic rate. The high level of HGH is what enables children to have such high energies. Also, with HGH by medication allows an adult to reach peak levels of energy, was last in the adolescent years. The increased metabolic rate leads to a further loss of fat. HGH can help a person lose weight, without that other exercise.

Among gains a person of HGH is that helps develop new muscle cells, a phenomenon not even seen a person reaches puberty. In adults, with strength training and other exercises, only the Grae muscle cells does not increase the number.

Using HGH, the number of muscle cells can be improved, which means that the person may improve muscle mass with a very low amount of strength training. Not only is improved muscle mass, also benefit from HGH is a better definition of the muscles thus an excellent form on the body.

Side impact on the use of HGH are very low and very rare. HGH will help improve the density of the muscles, a better strength, durability weight in check and remove excess fat from the body.

There several medical professionals, tend to recognize that the use of HGH is a very good way to adapt to that contribute to a person lose weight and the excess fat in the body. There have been several clinical studies in this context to prove that HGH is very efficient on the excellent results in the reduction of overcapacity weight.

Another important feature of HGH and its property inducing weight loss is that HGH is also available on the reduction of abdominal fat from deeper Areas which are very difficult by any other method. This is a big advantage, because the fat in this area, the potential of induction of life threatening heart attack.


Uncover the natural ways to speed up metabolism as well as insider ways on how to speed up metabolism when you visit http://www.extrametabolism.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Michelin

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Is Human Growth Hormone Therapy Safe?

Many people over 30 know only too well that the impact of ageing has on the body. Weight gain, lack of elasticity of the skin and other aspects of aging are fought with millions of products every year. One thing that many people may not know is that HGH or human growth hormone has been successfully used to reverse the effects of aging and to combat problems with the much weight success.

Of course, many people have heard about the use of human growth hormone and only wondered about the general safety of taking HGH supplements. First, the scientists discovered a way for the manufacture of synthetic HGH, it was thought that they had discovered the fountain of youth.

Studies were in a large number of participants and in all tests, the subjects experienced increased bone density, increased muscle mass, less Wrinkles, the improvement of sexual function and weight loss. The injections, which first appeared to 10 years from each participant with only one year of treatment. But scientists and researchers have not really discover the fountain of youth. The easy developed a product produces no work dream solution for the world's aging and weight loss problem. Of course, for HGH injections, you must be willing to invest not only your time, but a very significant amount of your money as well. Injections are by specialists, and they can be very expensive. Although they work, some people are simply not willing or able to court the amount of cash that for HGH injection therapy.

There is also the risk of fluid retention, insulin resistance and gynecomastia with HGH injection therapy is that over a long period, especially if too much is over a certain period and the pituitary gland is overdosed with the hormone replacement.

Another way through a complementary approach to therapy HGH. The supplements are available in pill or spray form and be a much safer alternative to long-term HGH injections. The danger of an overdose HGH is considerably removed with the use of grants of injections. HGH pills and sprays have not proven that all questions of security. They are considered absolutely safe and typically come with a money-back guarantee. Whether you are tablets or sprays, HGH supplements are a much safer alternative to injections and provide you with the revitalization of youth and weight loss that you have worked for all without work.

You should understand that there is a big difference between HGH replacement and additional methods HGH. HGH replacement must prescription of injections and is usually used when the pituitary gland produces little or no human growth hormone in his own.

HGH supplement is added only to help the body to ward off aging and weight gain, as you grow older , And give you more resilience, flexibility and fewer wrinkles. If you are supplementing your HGH, you are simply promoting the pituitary gland, to learn more about the hormone that they already produced. Homeopathic HGH or complementary will not cause damage to the pituitary or cause it to stop working in May as injections do if too many are taken.

Most HGH supplements have absolutely no negative side effects and are well with other medicines, if necessary. If you have specific questions about the safety of taking HGH, check with your doctor about any underlying disease, you may suffer from the period before homeopathic HGH therapy. This is the case with any supplement, however, whether it be vitamins, minerals or a hormone supplement.


Steve Hill is a webmaster from Birmingham, he has interests in a number of websites including:
stuttering information
hgh products

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_Hill

Where is the Fountain of Youth?

The fountain of youth is a legendary spring putatively makes that someone who drinks of its waters forever young. Mankind has never stopped searching for such magical waters since the beginnings of intelligence. The stories are from at least the time of Alexander romance in the West. In the East, the efforts of the search for lasting youth were recorded in the Nei Jing Huangdi (the Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine) - The earliest medical classics in China, written 2000 years ago.

In 1513, Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon believed that the magical spring on the island of Bimini, or "beemeenee" by locals. Unfortunately, the researchers do not find Bimini, instead it ended in St. Augustine Florida. The landing site is now part of "The Fountain of Youth National Archaeological Park .

While Juan Ponce de Leon was sailing on the legendary spring, ancient Chinese believed that the fountain of youth was actually inside of our body - the" qi ". The Qi inside our body is part of the spread of Qi through the entire universe. The fountain of youth is the life force in all living organisms. The thousands of years of civilization, our life expectancy, but permanent youth is still a dream with more fascinating stories. The longest lived person ever was a Japanese man Shirechiyo Izumi, reached the age of 120 years in 1986.

Gerontology now shows that the fountain of youth is, in fact, inside our body. But it is not the "qi", it is the genes inside the cells every man and every woman body.

As gerontologists continue to isolate and characterize more and more longevity and aging resistance genes in laboratories, that mankind has and promote more insights in the design of genetic intervention to the symptoms associated with aging, and expanded our lives spans.

For instance, GH-Releaser, a clinically tested capsule has the potential to turn back your biological clock safely with HGH (http://www. pureghreleaser.com /) or human growth hormone, and "Look and Feel" younger.

We 've finally to the edge of the fountain, but still a few steps away from the collection of waters.

Copyright @ 2005, Bruce Zhang

You have permission to publish this article electronically free of charge, as long as the bylines and links in the text of the article and the bylines are included.


Bruce Zhang runs a consulting business, but is fascinated by the potential of HGH and GH-Releaser.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bruce_Zhang

Friday, June 20, 2008

HGH - For All Those Wanting to Look Young!

HGH = Human Growth Hormone, is responsible for all activities that the growth will take place inside our body. The growth hormone is responsible to help growth in children. HGH hormone is released by the anterior pituitary gland. The growth of tissues in the body with protein is one of the basic functions of this hormone.

HGH is very important, it is because this hormone that we have the vitality, youth, in fact, it is the hormone that supports all that we see how Youth elements. This hormone is extremely important for growing children. This hormone is responsible for the increase in the amount of children. It helps in the formation of cartilaginous cells at the end of the bones of children, which actually lead to increases in height.

However, this is only one of the functions of this hormone:

1) growth hormone helps all the internal organs of the body (with the exception of the brain) .

2) Increases immunity;

3) contributes to maintaining the function of the liver, pancreas, etc.

4) helps in maintaining calcium in the body also allowed mineralization of bones.

5) This hormone can be a blessing for body builders, but helps to build muscle mass.

6) helps in the formation and tissue growth.

Just the way this hormone is useful and important, if they could do damage to the appropriate person. Lot of problems could occur because the HGH excess. It could be the reason for the pituitary tumor. If this hormone is not activated, it could also lead to thickening of bones, this could be thickening of the jaw, toes, fingers, etc.

However, this hormone was found that the protector of youth, it might help you with vitality and Energy to live life to the fullest, even if you're older. This hormone is known as the anti-aging hormone. You can find several HGH supplements on the market today.

You should also be noted that overdose can just look back to your search youth. Meanwhile, for those who are interested in itself a dose of this hormone have two options. The first is the HGH supplements and the others are injections.

You find this anywhere allowances on the market. However, it would be very ideal to consult your doctor first so that you know what kind of supplement use. There are many different types of products, the different levels of impact. If you want faster and more direct effect should try the injections, which can prove to be a little more expensive.

There are also the oral sprays, but these have not yet been proven as useful. Instead, what is a really effective are the pills that are also inexpensive. Another disadvantage of the injections is that these are made of synthetic elements, whereas the pills are made from natural elements that are absolutely safe for human consumption. But before it for some pills check out the ingredients, so you are sure that the pills are made from natural elements.

So use HGH and look and feel younger.


Related Articles:

Top rated HGH Releasers

Increase Human Growth Hormone Naturally

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ryan_English

Sunday, June 15, 2008

HGH: is it Really Effective? What Are the Dangers of Using HGH?

HGH or the human growth hormone has long been known to increase the youth and vitality, so it is less surprising that those who want to live, energetic and a happy life go for this hormone. You will find there are several products on the market with this product boasts hormone.

Each was most effective for increasing vitality. However, as a consumer should be well aware of different products and their impact on your body.

Following are several methods you can use to increase the levels of human growth hormone in your body:

1) injections: This should, of course, only from your family doctor, one of the Reason is that he is well aware of your health and, secondly, should not normally injections are trained doctor. These are synthetic injections, and each injection can cost anywhere around $ 20 - $ 25th For full month, this could go into thousands of dollars.

2) pills: This option is very affordable and easy to manage. You do not need a doctor to administer an injection every day. All of your call here, takes a pill or whatever was recommended dosage for you every day and you're done. You will find synthetic and natural varieties, the best would be the natural, because they are least likely to have many pages effects.

3) Oral sprays: There are a lot of doubts expressed whether these sprays have been shown to be effective. Oral sprays are the latest addition to the provision of HGH products in the market.

Why HGH is so popular?

This hormone is released by the anterior pituitary gland in the brain. This hormone is essential for the growth especially in their early years. This hormone, energy, vitality, strength, etc., in short, this hormone is all about feeling young. In fact, in growing children, this hormone is crucial because it helps:

  • growth of all internal organs
  • ensures ordnungsgemae functioning of the digestive organs such as liver and pancreatic ;
  • assists in tissue formation;
  • Helps building muscle mass
  • help absorption of calcium and minerals from the bones.
  • The combined with hormone-protein to form new tissue and cartilaginous mass to help in growing bones.

In fact, without this hormone, no child would grow normally, it would not be any increase in the amount or the building body mass. This hormone is extremely critical for the growth during childhood and maintaining energy and health while the rest of the life.

Just the way HGH is crucial excesses this hormone could lead to a pituitary tumor, you can also start bone Building. This could lead to thickening of the bones of the jaw, fingers, toes, etc. These facts make it very important that you consult your physician before making a dose of vitality. This ensures that you will not suffer, with one of the negative impact of ebermaigen hormones. It is only your doctor can help you make the right choice in relation to these supplements.

Related Articles:

Top rated HGH Releasers

Does HGH Hormone Therapy Really Help?

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ryan_English

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Where to Buy HGH

There are hundreds of new human growth hormone (HGH) food supplements on the market today because of their explosive popularity. A quick Internet search turns thousands of sites offer "incredible deals" and "limited time offers" on everything from sprays to lozenges to effervescent. Because of the sudden saturation of the market HGH, which may be difficult to know where to shop for the safest and most effective products.

One helpful resource is a respected online directory, such as the Open Directory Project, also known as DMOZ. " Directory is available in many different languages, so that almost anyone can access this wealth of information. A search for human growth hormone in DMOZ revolves around twenty sites whose purchase information can be found on many different HGH products.

Another good source for HGH products is the television. Many home-shopping channels offer special programs, focusing on health products. These programs often feature HGH products as part of its inventory. These TV programs sometimes offer deeply discounted prices on the products they sell, and it is possible to make two-to-one deals on some brands of HGH supplements.

Advertisements for HGH supplements are also found in many fitness and bodybuilding Magazines, along with dozens of other food supplements. HGH is commonly used by bodybuilders to drop body fat and gain lean muscle mass. A quick review of some of the most popular fitness magazines should yield several options for the purchase HGH.

Many food shops also offer HGH supplements. A search in the local yellow pages should offer a range of food shops to choose from. These stores often offer a variety of HGH supplements to their customers, want to lose body fat and gain muscle mass as part of their fitness program.

HGH Info provides detailed information about HGH products, injections and side effects, where to buy HGH, and reviews of best HGH sprays, supplements, vitamins, and more. HGH Info is the sister site of Hyaluronic Acid Web.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kristy_Annely

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